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Deliver Meals

Why Volunteer?

For some, volunteering gives those a chance to help the community where it’s needed the most. It’s vital for our seniors to receive nutritious meals to support their independence and well-being. For others, they love seeing the smiling faces of our seniors and moments of human connection. Some volunteer because we give free cat and dog food to our seniors’ furry companions.

Many of our volunteers graciously want to give back because Meals on Wheels helped their family member during their medical issues or when they could no longer provide for themselves. All of our volunteers have their special reasons why they love to volunteer.

We appreciate each one of them.

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Are you ready to get started?



From San Marco to Chula Vista, from Del Mar to Alpine, our volunteers deliver meals and smiles to seniors all across San Diego County.


Your business or organization can make a difference by committing to a monthly delivery route. Send one or two members every month to fulfill your route.


Donate small gift bags to our seniors to brighten their day on special occasions and birthdays.

Meals on Wheels is the only agency providing meals for 7 days a week, including holidays. Additionally, we cover the entire county, including delivery into the over 3,049 square miles of rural and unincorporated areas. Meals on Wheels San Diego County subsidizes 60% of the costs for meals, delivery, and other services provided, regardless of a senior’s ability to pay.


Distributing home-delivered meals and safety checks could not be accomplished without the help of our very large and caring volunteer workforce who deliver meals with a hug and a smile and ensure our homebound seniors are OK. Frequently the volunteer may be the only person the senior sees all day, providing human contact and a safety net, particularly for those seniors living alone. Lives are saved nearly every week as a result of acquiring the proper emergency personnel for someone who has fallen, had a stroke, or is simply in need of additional resources.